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Billing Explanation & Frequently Asked Questions

Tax Collector


When are 1st Issue Taxes due?

Taxes are due in July of each year. The actual date is printed on the tax bill.

When do I receive my bills?

Bills are normally issued in the later part of May.
State law requires tax bills be sent out a minimum of 30 days prior to the due date

To whom are my tax bills mailed?

Bills are ALWAYS mailed to the homeowner – NEVER to the mortgage company.

Do I have to send my tax bill to my mortgage company?

In most cases the mortgage company does not want you to send your tax bill to them. They receive the information from the Tax Collector. However, sometimes mistakes are made so you always check to be sure that your taxes are, in fact, paid.

What time period is covered by the 1st issue bill?

1st Issue payment covers the period from April 1st to September 30th.


When are 2nd issue taxes due?

2nd issue taxes are due in December. (State Mandate)

When do I receive my bills?

Bills are normally issued in the later part of October.
State law requires that tax bills be sent out a minimum of 30 days prior to the due date.

To whom are my tax bills mailed?

Bills are ALWAYS mailed to the homeowner – NEVER to the mortgage company.

What time period is covered by the 2nd issue bill?

2nd Issue payment covers the period from October 1st to March 31st.

Why is my 2nd issue bill different from my 1st issue bill?

Your 1st issue bill is half of last year. Your 2nd issue bill is based on the new tax rate minus the amount you paid for your 1st issue. The balance is your 2nd issue bill. For example:

House and Land Value $100,000.00
Tax Rate in 2019 (established by DRA) $23.47
2019 Total Tax (House and Land Value x Tax Rate) $2347.00

1st Issue Calculation:

2019 Total Tax $2347.00
1st Issue Bill (1/2 of 2019 Total Tax, rounded) $1174.00
2019 Total Tax (House and Land Value x Tax Rate) $2347.00


House and Land Value $100,000.00
Tax Rate in 2020 (established by DRA) $25.65
2020 Total Tax (House and Land Value x Tax Rate) $2565.00


2nd Issue Calculation:

2020 Total Tax $2565.00
1st Issue Bill $1174.00
2nd Issue Bill (2020 Total Tax minus 1st Issue Bill) $1391.00


Frequently Asked Questions:

How does my Escrow Company get the amount of my tax bill?
The Escrow Company/Mortgage Company receives this information electronically from the Tax Collector. However, you should always check to be sure they have, in fact, paid the taxes.

How do I change my mailing address?
We have an address change form or you can send us a written request. State law requires tax bills be sent to the last known address.

If I change my address with the Town Clerk do I still have to change it with the Tax Collector?
Yes. Our computer systems do not connect or interchange information.

Can I pay ahead on my next bill?
Yes. We will accept pre-payments at any time and in any amount.

Can I make regular monthly payments?
Yes. You can send or bring in money every month or as often as you like.

Can I mail my payments?
Yes. You can mail your payment to us. If you desire a receipt, please send a self addressed stamped envelope and the entire bill. This will help us to economize. We will then send you a receipted copy for your records.

What happens if the bank returns my check?
There is a $31.50 returned check fee. See the Strafford Returned Check Policy: click here for policy

May I pay my taxes with a credit or debit card?
Yes. You may pay by personal check, bank check, money order, debit or credit card. You may in person at the Town Hall or on-line.

  • When you pay with your checking account on-line, you will need your routing and account numbers.
  • We accept Master Card, VISA, Discover and American Express at the Tax Collector’s Office and On-line.

IMPORTANT: There are additional fees associated with using credit cards at the Town Hall and online. Please read and understand all instructions, details and additional charges before using your credit card.

When does my account start to accrue interest?
The interest accrues at 8% annually, and it begins the day after the due date noted on your tax bill.

If I’m behind in my taxes (or if there is a lien on my property), can I make partial payments?
Yes. Taxpayers are encouraged to make payments in any amount.

What is the interest rate if a lien is put on my property?
The interest rate is 14% APR for a property tax lien.

If there is a lien put on my property, how long do I have before further action is taken by the Town?
Taxpayers have two years from the date the lien is executed to pay in full the tax, interest, and costs, prior to the Tax Collector deeding the property to the Town. A series of mail notifications are sent to the homeowner’s last known address as part of the deeding process.

Are there any exemptions or credits?
Yes. Strafford offers veteran’s tax credits, as well as tax exemptions for the elderly and disabled. Please call the Selectmen’s Office for further information.

I recently purchased my property in Strafford. How long before tax bills are sent in my name?
The Town of Strafford sends bills to the owner of record. The Strafford Country Registry of Deeds generally takes four to six weeks to record a new deed. The Town is notified of a change in ownership once the deed is recorded.

If you still have questions, please contact the Strafford Tax Collector’s Office at (603) 664-2192 ext.102 OR by email at