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Tax Collector

Tax Rate

Tax Rate Below is the tax rate for the Town of Strafford per thousand of property valuation. Explanation of Tax Rate - Click Here

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Strafford Tax Maps

2023 Tax Map Index2023 Tax Maps 2018 Tax Map Index Map #1 Map #2 Map #3 Map #4 Map #5 Map #6 Map #7 Map #8 Map #9 Map #10 Map #11 Map #12 Map #13 Map #14 Map #15 Map #16 Map #17 Map #18 Map #19 Map #20 Map #21 Map #22 Map #23 Map #24 Map #25 Map #26 Map #27 Map #28...

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Tax Relief

Town of Strafford Tax Abatement form - click here FAQ Are there any exemptions or credits available? Yes. Strafford offers veteran's tax credits, as well as tax exemptions for the elderly and disabled. Please call the Selectmen's Office for further information. For...

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Billing Explanation & Frequently Asked Questions

FIRST ISSUE TAX BILLS When are 1st Issue Taxes due? Taxes are due in July of each year. The actual date is printed on the tax bill. When do I receive my bills? Bills are normally issued in the later part of May. State law requires tax bills be sent out a minimum of 30...

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Tax History & Payment

Tax Payment History (from 2015-Present) - CLICK HERE If you still have questions, please contact the Strafford Tax Collector's Office at (603) 664-2192 ext.102 OR by email at taxcollector@strafford.nh.gov.

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Tax Collector’s Office

The Tax Collector will be CLOSED, Thursday, August 15, 2024. Thank you 1st Issue Tax Bills were mailed 5/29/24. Bills were due 7/3/2024. At the Tax Collector's Office we are here to help you with: (Click on tab for more information) Terri, This is a comment,...

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