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Dog License Information

Town Clerk


State Law, RSA 466:1 requires that puppies must be licensed promptly after their first rabies inoculation and that all dogs be licensed EACH YEAR between January 1st and April 30th.

As a courtesy, reminder notices are sent by email once monthly beginning in January. However, it is ultimately the owner’s responsibility to license their dog(s).


If you license your dog by April 30th, they will be eligible for the Top Dog drawing. The winner will be contacted in May.  If you’d like to have your dog’s photo posted here as a contestant email a dog photo to townclerk@strafford.nh.gov
VIEW previous Top Dogs and some of the 2024 Top Dog Contestants HERE 

In Strafford we love our dogs and we make licensing them easy. This can be done:

  1. Online (pay online here)
  2. By Mail: Send check made out to “Strafford Town Clerk” to: Strafford Town Clerk, PO Box 169, Strafford NH 03884
  3. By Phone 664-2192 X102
  4. In person at the Town Hall, 12 Mountain View Drive, behind the Post Office.

Rabies Clinics
Tractor Supply Co. https://petvet.vippetcare.com/find-a-clinic/
NH SPCA https://nhspca.org/low-cost-rabies-clinics/
Shot Vet – Rite Aid https://www.shotvet.com/find-a-clinic/
Cocheco Valley Humane Society https://cvhsonline.org/event/rabies-and-microchip-clinic

Dog Licensing Information

State Law, RSA 466:1 requires that puppies must be licensed promptly after their first rabies inoculation and that all dogs be licensed EACH YEAR between January 1st and April 30th.

Information Needed to License a Dog in Strafford

  • Owners name, address and email
  • Dog’s name, breed, sex, color, vet name
  • Current Rabies Certificate (local vets send us a copy of rabies certificates)

Dog Licensing Fees

Male or Female – Unaltered $9.00
Spayed/Neutered Dog $6.50
1st Dog owned by a Senior citizen (65+) $2.00
Puppies (3-7 months) $6.50
Group/Kennel Licenses (5+ dogs) $20.00

As a courtesy, reminder notices are sent by email once monthly beginning in January. However, it is ultimately the owners responsibility to license their dog(s).

Late Fees

Beginning June 1st, all unlicensed dogs will be charged a late fee of $1.00 per month.

Each year, the Town Clerk’s Office is required to give a list of all unlicensed dogs to the Strafford Police Department. At that time, a $25.00 Civil Forfeiture Fine is issued for each unlicensed dog. 

Strafford PD – (603)664-5644

For more information contact the Town Clerk’s Office